Best Natural Remedies for Earwax Removal


Kevin Lewis

You do not need treatment for ear wax—its secretion is part of how your body cares about itself. You certainly do not need to try and remove it with objects, such as cotton swabs or ear vacuum cleaners, because it is unsafe. It is easy to damage your eardrums with the object’s tip or push ear wax deeper into the ear canal and tamp it. But sometimes, too much of it really can cause various issues. Here is what you can do for easy earwax removal:

  • consult your local pharmacist and buy OTC ear drops;
  • visit your primary healthcare doctor or an ENT specialist;
  • use home remedies for ear wax.

In this article, we are discussing making a DIY home remedy to clean earwax and its use.

What is Earwax and its Function

The scientific name for earwax is cerumen which comes from the word cera (wax in Latin). It is a substance produced by sebaceous and sweat glands in the outer ear canal. Fresh earwax is wet and a bit sticky so it can catch dead skin cells, dust and dirt particles, and other unwanted formations. When it dries and hardens, it falls out of the ear safely and naturally, taking all the debris away.

As you can see, earwax is necessary for our ears to cleanse themselves, and you do not need to remove it. However, there are cases when the body has issues with getting rid of ear wax naturally.

When is Earwax a Problem

Earwax blockage, also known as ear wax build-up or cerumen impaction, occurs when there is so much of this substance that it blocks the ear canal. The person may experience the following symptoms:

  • impaired hearing;
  • earache;
  • tinnitus (hearing a sound that comes from inside the body);
  • the ear feels itchy inside or around;
  • vertigo (light-headedness, spinning sensation).

Cerumen impaction can be caused by:

  • excessive ear wax production;
  • hairy ear canals which promotes wax accumulation;
  • particularities in the ear anatomy (e.g. narrow ear canal);
  • age (earwax dries more quickly as you age);
  • man-made impaction (caused by the use of cotton swab, hearing aid, ear plug, etc.).

Natural Remedies for Earwax Removal

If you want to save a trip to your local pharmacy or doctor’s office, here is a list of home remedies to clean your ears with.


Oily fluids can soften earwax, helping it come out naturally and safely. Please note that purified cosmetic oils work better, and medical-grade oils work best—they do not contain small particles or other contaminants that kitchen products may have.

To treat earwax impaction with oils, put 2–3 drops of oils into the affected ear 3 times per day. There are no limitations on how long you can do this but 3 to 5 days should be sufficient. Some resources, such as blogs of ENT clinics even allow to use oils for up to 3 weeks.

Oils you can apply (for natural ones, make an allergy test before using!):

  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • mineral;
  • baby oil.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into oxygen bubbles that soften wax blockage and simple water. For one use, put about 5 drops into your ear but no more than 10. Too much hydrogen peroxide and too frequent use may leave excessive water in your ear canal. This creates a good medium for bacteria to grow and can cause an infection. To ensure that leftover water is dried out, gently rinse the ear with alcohol after use.

Do not use hydrogen peroxide solution in concentrations over 3% to avoid irritation.

Saline Solution

Irrigation (a process of gentle rinsing) is not one of the best remedies for ear wax blockage but it can be beneficial for its prevention! To do so, fill a rubber bulb syringe with warm saline solution and gently squirt it into your ear. Tilt the head to the side so that the ear canal opening will face the floor to allow the liquid to drain out and take ear wax with it.

Plain warm water works for this operation as well.

Vinegar and Alcohol Solution

Vinegar mixed in equal parts with 70% rubbing alcohol prevents infections, dries quickly, and is generally safe to keep ear wax soft and prevent blockage. Those who have frequent impactions can put 4–5 drops of the mix into the ear once a week before showering.

Baking Soda

Sodium bicarbonate is a common active ingredient in ear wax removal OTC drops. But you can similarly use a 15% baking soda homemade solution. Just combine 2 teaspoons (10 mL) of warm clean water with 1/4 tsp (1.25 mL) of baking soda. Put 5 drops into the ear and let the remedy work for 5 to 10 minutes. make the procedure twice a day.

Safety Tips

If during the use of any mentioned methods you have experienced painful sensations, stop using the product and visit a doctor.

Dosage and frequency are important for the best results. To properly use materials listed above as ear wax removal drops, obtain an eyedropper (better one made from plastic or glass to easily clean it after use). As an alternative, you can soak a cotton ball with the liquid and then squeeze it to make a drop.

Follow simple steps:

  • Tilt your head to the side so that the affected ear canal opening is turned up;
  • Put the necessary amount of drops (depends on the method you use) into your ear;
  • Wait up to 5 minutes for the remedy to reach the blockage;
  • Straighten the neck back.

Note that it is best if materials are at room temperature. Check it before use to avoid burning or putting cold liquid into your ear (may impact innervation).

Do not forget to clean the equipment properly (better to have it sterilized or rubbed with alcohol). Objects that cannot be cleaned (e.g. cotton balls) are for single-use only.

When to Avoid Natural Remedies

Do not use DIY wax removal remedies if you have:

  • an eardrum perforation;
  • an ongoing ear infection;
  • undergone an ear surgery in the past.


Natural earwax removal remedies can prove more convenient and affordable. They are suitable in the event of uncomplicated ear wax blockages but require accurate and responsible use.


What naturally dissolves ear wax?

Oily softeners are one of the most common means to dilute ear wax.

What dissolves ear wax fast?

Hydrogen peroxide takes about 5 minutes to work, so it is pretty fast.

How do you unblock ear wax naturally?

You can soften it with homemade drops of various origins and let it drain naturally.

What draws out ear wax?

Ear wax comes out naturally when dry; if the impaction occurs, you can soften it with OTC drops and natural remedies.