Clomid Over the Counter

Clomid over the counter

Clomid belongs to the group of remedies that influence the fertility of the representatives of both sexes. Thus, it is helpful for those trying to conceive a child. As this medicine influences the hormonal system, it should not be taken without a prescription or bought as some OTC remedy. However, let’s discover more details about its action and main features.

What is Clomid

Clomid is a brand name for the generic molecule clomiphene citrate. It was approved by FDAin 1967 and since that time has been used as an effective fertility medication. You may also heard about it as an ovulatory stimulant and it’s the main direction of its action. Thus, this drug is mainly prescribed for women to promote ovulation and increase the chances of pregnancy.

In addition, there is some evidence that it helps to overcome infertility in men too. This remedy is able to boost sperm count and increase testosterone levels. Therefore, some men may also benefit from it but here we’re going to reveal secrets for women.

What is Fertility?

In general, fertility is the ability to conceive a child by a couple that regularly has unprotected intercourse. For this, a man should have a high sperm count and a woman’s body provides an egg ready for fertilization. If these two components meet each other at the proper time, then they interact and are implanted in the uterus with the formation of the embryo that grows into a child.


Between puberty and menopausal period, women experience regular menstrual cycle. It consists of three stages that naturally follow each other. The second stage of this process is called ovulation and it is exactly the period with the highest chances of getting pregnant.

During ovulation, an egg comes out of a follicle and slowly moves to the uterus. If it meets sperm in this way, it can be fertilized and then implanted to become an embryo. If not, it is ruined and menses start that is another cycle that comes again with the same stages.


The ovulation happens in the middle of the cycle. The so-called fertility window lasts approximately a week. During this period, fertilization is possible and women experience:

  • rise in the basal body temperature;
  • change of the cervical mucus, which becomes thinner and looks like egg white;
  • pain or discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • higher sex drive.

These symptoms may vary. They are caused by hormonal changes, namely, estrogen rises in concentration and then progesterone follows. If a pregnancy does not occur, the levels of these hormones start to decrease leading to the end of the period and menses.

What is Clomid?Brand name for clomiphene citrate, an FDA-approved fertility medication since 1967, used mainly to promote ovulation in women.
What is Fertility?The ability of a couple to conceive a child through regular unprotected intercourse, dependent on sperm count and egg readiness.
Who Might Need Clomid?Women with unexplained infertility, irregular cycles, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Some men with infertility and low testosterone levels might also benefit.
How Clomid WorksIt influences the hormonal system by binding to estrogen receptors and promoting the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which aids ovulation.
How to Take ClomidOral medication. Typically starts with 1 pill/day for five days early in the menstrual cycle. Dose might be increased under doctor’s guidance.
Potential Side EffectsFor women: flushing, nausea, breast pain, headaches, vaginal bleeding. For men: mood swings, vision issues, weight gain, breast tenderness.
Over the Counter AvailabilityNot available over the counter. Requires a prescription due to its potent effect on hormonal balance.
Clomid Success RateStudies show around 19% to 21.4% success rate after taking Clomid. Typically, up to six cycles are recommended.
Generic EquivalentClomiphene citrate.

Who Might Need Clomid

The utilization of this medicine is recommendedfor women who have attempted to get pregnant for at least half a year and were unsuccessful. The most common indications are as follows:

  • Unexplained infertility. There are such cases when doctors are not able to find the cause of this problem. In this case, an oral medication like Clomid is a perfect choice to begin the treatment. It is a good and easy way that is quite helpful;
  • Irregular cycles. To achieve pregnancy, a woman should navigate through her cycle and determine the fertility window. When this task is challenging due to an irregular cycle, this medicine helps to increase the chances of this;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease often leads to irregular and unpredictable cycles. Therefore, Clomidcan be also prescribed as both a treatment option and a remedy for getting pregnant.

In addition, as we have already mentioned, sometimes men diagnosed with infertility and whom have low sperm count combined with low testosterone levels, may also get this type of treatment. This must also be a doctor’s decision, so no one should experiment with Clomid on his own.

How Clomid Works

This medicine interacts with the hormonal system and has the following influence on it:

  • An active ingredient binds to the receptors that are usually occupied byestrogen;
  • The brain starts to think that estrogen levels are falling and begins to create more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that is an estrogen booster;
  • FSH is required for fertility and also promotes the work of ovarian follicles, which are responsible for the release a mature egg during ovulation;
  • The higher concentration of this hormone makes the ovaries more active and increases the chances for an egg to come outside, meet sperm and get fertilized.

This is the general scheme. So, as far as we can see, this medicine influences this sophisticated system. It can even lead to the so-called super-ovulation when two mature eggs go to the fallopian tubes and are fertilized at the same time. That is the reason to be accurate with this medicine and use it only according to the given recommendations.

How to Take Clomid

This medicine is oral and convenient to take. This is actually one of the reasons to start the infertility therapy with it.

Clomid Dosage

One tablet contains 50 milligrams of an active ingredient. The average starting dose is 1 pill per day during five days. The treatment should start during the first days of the new cycle.

Then, a woman should determine her possible fertile window and have unprotected sex during this period. If after the first month of the treatment pregnancy has not occurred, a dose may be increased to 2 or 3 pills per day starting from the next cycle.

Keep in mind that it is strictly prohibited to make such a decision on your own. Consult a specialist and follow his recommendation to avoid side effects and reach the desired goal without any consequences for your health.

Potential Side Effects

Women who take this medicine may experience the following adverse effects:

  • flushing;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the breasts;
  • headaches;
  • vaginal bleeding.

Men who got this prescription sometimes experienced mood swings, vision impairment, weight gain, headaches and tenderness of nipples and breasts.

Can You Get Over the Counter Clomid?

It is a prescription remedy as it has a potent effect on the body and should be taken under the doctor’s control. It is recommended not to buy and try to use it on yourself.

That is why, in most cases, one has to visit the specialist, get a prescription and then go to the pharmacy or use an online service. Still, some online pharmacies provide an opportunity to get a consultation and prescription on their websites and then order the medicine. Such a resource must be trustworthy and guarantee the quality of the medicine.

Stay alert to avoid counterfeits and other unpleasant moments and do not trust unverified suppliers.

Clomid Success Rate

There were several investigations aimed at the determination of this value. For instance, a study conducted in 2014 revealed a successful pregnancy in 19% of women who have taken Clomid. Five years later, another journal published a paper with a 21.4% success rate according to 42 trials.

On average, six cycles of Clomidare prescribed according to the recommendations of the FDA. If any results were achieved, then it is better to switch to other options that can be discussed with the doctor.


In a nutshell, Clomid has quite a long history of utilization and is considered an effective and safe medicine. It is mainly used by women to promote ovulation and prolong the fertility window. Men who suffer from infertility may also benefit from it.

However, it is recommended to visit the doctor first and search for the real cause of the problem. This helps to select the proper treatment. If it’sClomid, then a patient will take it under the doctor’s guidance and achieve the desired result.


Is there an over the counter version of Clomid?

No, this medicine belongs to the prescription group due to its action and ability to change the hormonal balance. Therefore, it should only be prescribed by the specialist.

What is the closest medication to Clomid?

Other medicines with similar action that can be prescribed for women are Femara, Ovidrel, Novarel, Pregnyl and Profasi.

Do you need a prescription for generic Clomid?

Yes, any form of this medicine, brand or generic, must be prescribed as it contains the same active molecule.

What is the generic equivalent of Clomid?

While Clomid is a well-known brand option, its generic version is clomiphene citrate. The active molecule stays the same, so the doctor may propose to choose between these options.