PCOS Body Shape


Kevin Lewis

One of the consequences of almost any hormonal imbalance is gaining weight. Moreover, some medical issues are characterized by a close connection between their development and having extra kilos. One such women’s issue is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS for short. Get an explanation on how and why it influences body shape and how this can be solved.

What is PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal disorder that probably has a genetic origin. It was shown that it runs in families and other reasons are not very clear.

Due to this condition, the body of a woman starts to produce more male hormones than normal. This, in turn, leads to insulin resistance, namely the body does not respond to its usual concentration and also tries to produce more.

As a result, sophisticated metabolic processes go mad and an affected woman experiences a wide range of unpleasant symptoms starting from obesity and ending with infertility.

Symptoms of PCOS

Some women do not have any disturbing symptoms until they try to get pregnant. Others may experience the following problems:

  • excessive hair on the face, chin and back;
  • skin issues like severe acne;
  • loss of hair and its thinning;
  • irregular periods;
  • obesity, especially in the area of the abdomen.

How PCOS is diagnosed

At first, a doctor asks about the regularity of periods and checks the visible symptoms described above. Then, a blood test is prescribed to determine the androgen level. In addition, an ultrasound investigation is used to find whether there are cysts on the ovaries.

Combining the results of all investigations, the specialist concludes with the exact diagnosis.

How PCOS Affects Body Composition

As we have already mentioned, this illness affects the whole body by disturbing metabolic processes.

Increased abdominal fat

While the androgen level in the blood grows, the body becomes resistant to insulin. The latter is required to convert glucose that we get from food into energy. When the body does not respond to insulin, glucose is converted into fat instead of being burned by cells.

This leads to the accumulation of fat and male hormones that are also in excess make this fat stay in the abdomen area. These hormones do the same for men, who are prone to get extra weight this way.

Weight gain

Due to the mechanism of insulin resistance, weight gain accompanies PCOS in most cases. It can be more or less pronounced and fat may be accumulated in other body parts too.

Insulin resistance

Resistance to insulin leads to its overproduction. Still, this rarely helps the body to control the situation. Thus, the metabolism of sugars suffers. Cells and tissues do not get enough energy while glucose is accumulated as fat.

Apple vs Pear Shaped Body

When women get extra kilos, they naturally get them more in the hips. This creates a so-called pear shape. PCOS changes this and directs fat into the belly creating a shape of an apple.

Health Risks

In addition, to the changes in appearance, this disease may have other bad health consequences.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a direct result of insulin resistance and gaining weight. It usually occurs due to these two reasons and when they are combined the chances for its development are very high.

Cardiovascular diseases

Belly fat contributes to the higher probability of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular issues. This is because of atherosclerosis that is also developed at the same time.

Mental Health Consequences

According to the investigations and observations of scientists and doctors, women with this condition often get anxiety disorder and higher chances for depression. This happens also due to the hormonal misbalance. The lower level of women’s hormones contributes to mood swings and high concentration of androgens make the situation even worse.

That is why it is recommended to get a consultation with a psychologist and take care of the mental health as well as physical appearance and disturbing symptoms.

Managing PCOS

It is challenging to cure this disease completely. However, one can manage the symptoms and lead a normal life even with it.

Diet and nutrition tips

Reevaluate your diet and build it up from lean proteins, healthy fats, whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Refuse highly processed foods with too much sugar, salt or fat. In addition, do not misuse alcohol and quit smoking if you do.

Keep in mind that due to this condition metabolism is changed and all extra sugar is at once converted to fat. Therefore, be careful with what you eat and stick to a healthy diet.

Physical activity

This point is important for everyone. Regular physical activity contributes to strong health and overall well-being. When you aim to lose weight, you also have to pay attention to this part of your life.

Introduce any type of physical activity that you like in your routine and get quicker results in losing weight. One may go to the gym, jog, swim or dance. Any joyful activity is good when it is regular.


The following medicines may be prescribed by the specialist:

  • Hormonal contraceptives and antiandrogens normalize the hormonal balance and are used when the patient is not going to get pregnant in the nearest time;
  • Androgen receptor blockers decrease such androgenic symptoms as excess hair and fat belly;
  • Medication to promote ovulation like Clomid, in case a woman wishes to get pregnant;
  • Topical preparations or oral antibiotics for the treatment of acne.

Excess facial hair may be removed by laser treatment. In the case of severe obesity, surgical removal of belly fat may be used.

PCOS and Body Positivity

It is definitely hard to accept such body change. In addition, it is challenging to bring the situation back and become slim again. However, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and treat the disease properly.

Remember that gaining weight is a physiological normal response of the body in this case. All you need is to help the body get back to the norm and combat hormonal misbalance. Stay respective to yourself and take care of your feelings, as extra kilos are not your fault.


Of course, this condition is not very pleasant and brings a lot of disturbing symptoms. Still, most of them can be managed both with the help of medicines and with certain lifestyle changes. Therefore, if you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, follow the doctor’s advice and this will definitely help you to stay in good shape and lead a happy life.

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Can PCOS change your body shape?

Yes, this illness may lead to excess weight and extra kilos in the abdomen area. This happens due to the hormonal misbalance.

How does PCOS affect physical appearance of body?

Extra kilos start to appear on the belly, the condition of skin and hair worsens and extra hair may grow on the face.

Can you get rid of PCOS belly?

Yes, this is possible with the help of certain lifestyle changes, as well as medications and surgical methods as a last resort.

Is there such thing as PCOS belly?

Yes, this symptom exists because this disease changes the metabolism of sugars and contributes to the accumulation of extra fat in this area.