Steam Inhalation Benefits for Sinus


Kevin Lewis

When you have a cold or a flu, different nasal issues usually follow. A runny and stuffy nose makes it impossible to breathe freely and may disturb sleep at night. While some medicines can relieve this symptom, they are associated with an addiction to them as a possible side effect. However, another useful remedy is helpful in relieving this condition. We are talking about steam inhalation that can be also enriched with essential oils. Learn how it works and how one can benefit from it.

What is Steam Inhalation

This home procedure means the inhalation of water vapor through the nose. It requires a short time and available equipment and brings sufficient relief for a runny stuffed nose.

How It Works

While you have a cold, the flu or other similar conditions, the blood vessels in the nose become inflamed and irritated. They also dilate and the exchange of liquids is disturbed, so the nasal passages become dry.

The warm vapor gives the required moisture to the cells. It helps blood vessels to return to normal condition and makes the mucus thinner. Altogether, a patient experiences relief and the ability to breathe normally.

Benefits of Steam Inhalation for Sinus Relief

Let’s summarize the main advantages of this simple procedure.

Moisturizes Nasal Passages

It provides moisture exactly at the place where it is required. A runny nose is constantly losing water and this only increases the irritation and inflammation. Steam inhaling returns the water back to the cells.

Loosens Mucus

Slimy mucus is another problem that often persists and disturbs normal breathing. The excess of water, which comes inside the nose in the form of vapor, helps to make the mucus more watery. Then, it is easily eliminated.

Eases Pain

Moisturizing the nasal passages and soothing the blood vessels donate to the relief of pain that may accompany this condition.

Promotes Blood Circulation

Warm vapor activates the work of blood vessels and returns them to their normal functioning. This leads to faster recovery as it increases the blood flow, exchange of metabolism products and elimination of harmful microorganisms.

Antibacterial Effects

If you add some essential oils to the inhalation, it’ll provide an antibacterial effect and even faster recovery. Biologically active compounds will kill microorganisms directly in the nasal passages.

Cost-Effectiveness and Accessibility

Last but not least, this procedure is affordable and available for everyone. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment and the main ingredient of the inhalation is usually hot water. Therefore, everyone can relieve the symptoms of a cold or flu with its help.

Best Steam Inhalation for Sinusitis

Among the variety of inhalations and their components, the following are the most popular.

Plain Steam Inhalation

One can utilize only water and inhale its vapor. This is the basis of the procedure and it can be applied like this if the condition is not very bad or in case of allergic reactions to essential oils.

Eucalyptus Oil Steam

This essential oil is the component of many remedies against flu and cold. It contains a compound called cineole. The latter was studied and revealed an ability to relieve nasal obstruction, headache and a runny nose. One needs only a few drops of the oil added to hot water to get the desired effect.

Peppermint Oil Steam

This plant oil contains menthol. This compound possesses a cooling effect, it is also able to kill harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation. All these effects are very valuable for sinusitis and other conditions accompanied by a stuffed runny nose. Only a few drops of peppermint oil are sufficient to relieve this symptom.

Lavender Oil Steam

An animal study revealed that this essential oil can decrease inflammation and has anti-analgesic properties. They were not tested on humans. However, there are positive effects of the inhalations that include a few drops of it. In addition, it possesses a calming effect and makes the quality of sleep better. Therefore, such an inhalation is recommended before bedtime.

Rosemary and Thyme Steam

These two plants provide essential oils with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. This is good for the swollen sinuses and relieves the condition of a stuffed nose. Also, they are rich in antioxidants that can also contribute to faster recovery.

Salt Water Steam

One more inhalation type is using salty water instead of the usual one. It is enough to add a few teaspoons of salt after the water is boiled and mix it. This helps to moisturize the nasal passages even better. Actually, similar remedies you can find in the pharmacy. They are used instead of usual nasal drops.

Lemon and Ginger Steam

One more antibacterial and antioxidant combination includes lemon and ginger. These essential oils activate the mind and at the same moisturize the nose, smooth the blood vessels and contribute to the reduction of inflammation. Take no more than 3 drops of it, as they are quite active and concentrated.

How to Do Steam Inhalation at Home

Now let’s discover how to perform this truly magical procedure at home.

Equipment Needed

You will need the following:

  • water and any accessible equipment to heat it;
  • a large bowl;
  • towel.

It is also possible to purchase an electric inhaler if you wish to make the procedure easier. However, a usual bowl is sufficient. Still, an electric one can be a bit safer as it usually goes with a lid that prevents scalding.

Step-by-step Process

The procedure is done as follows:

  1. Make the water boil.
  2. Pour it into the bowl carefully.
  3. Put the towel on the head’s back.
  4. Turn on a timer.
  5. Shut your eyes and lower your head toward the water’s surface. There must not be a direct contact. Maintain a distance of at least 10 inches. You may ask a member of the family to help you.
  6. Breathe deeply and slowly through your nose for a few minutes.

It is not recommended to have a session longer than 15 minutes. Make it short and repeat it a few times per day if needed. For instance, you can do it in the morning and before bedtime to relieve the disturbing symptoms.

Adding Essential Oils or Herbs

After you’ve boiled the water, you can add any chosen component from the described above. Strictly follow the amount and do not pour a lot because they are very active.

Using oils or herbs, start from a minute or two of the inhalation to observe the effect and avoid allergic reactions.

Side Effects of Steam Inhalation

The main risks associated with this procedure include scalding or burning yourself due to accidental contact with the boiled water. Therefore, it is especially dangerous for children who can move the bowl.

Thus, one should be very careful and sure of the stability of the bowl on the surface of the table. In addition, it is important to close your eyes to avoid their irritation.

If you want to do this procedure for a child, you must carefully explain the rules and control the process. Do not leave your child alone to prevent burns or scalding.

If you add any essential oils or herbs, first check whether you are allergic to them. For this, you can apply a drop of oil on the forearm and observe it for a while. If it doesn’t get irritated, everything is fine.


Altogether, almost everyone can try steam inhaling, as this method is simple and readily available. With it, you’ll need only a few minutes to relieve the symptoms of a runny stuffed nose. Moreover, it will definitely contribute to a faster recovery from a cold or the flu.


Is inhaling steam good for sinus infection?

Yes, it moisturizes the nasal passages and loosens the mucus. The blood vessels of the nose return to their normal mode of work and all this together leads to recovery.

How can I drain my sinuses fast?

To do this, apply steam inhalation. One can inhale the steam of pure water or add essential oils and herbs to it.

Is inhaling steam good for your lungs?

Yes, this procedure treats runny nose but influences the whole respiratory system, including the lungs. It helps to eliminate harmful microorganisms and treat infections.

What kills a sinus infection naturally?

A steam inhalation is helpful to relieve the symptoms and recover faster. However, it does not have the same effect as antibiotics or other medicines.